Water Treatment

Water Treatment Solutions in Somers, NY

Clean, pure drinking water is vital to the health and safety of you and your family. Russell B. Bleakley Plumbing & Heating, Inc. handles everything from water testing for contaminants to installing whole-house water treatment solutions in Somers, NY. We want to ensure our community members access safe, clean, and pure drinking water. If you still need to get your healthy water tested, call us today at (914) 276-3756 to schedule.


Have us come to your home for a FREE water test!

Purification Systems for Sinks or Entire House!

Some Water Treatment Solutions We Specialize In Are:

UV Light Systems

Water Softeners

Iron, Lead & Sediment Filters

Well Chlorination

Reverse Osmosis (Ro) Units

Acid Neutralizers

Water Coolers & Distillers

EPA Guidance for Private Drinking Wells

Learn more about private drinking wells and the importance of regular water testing from the EPA.

Access EPA Guidelines

Water Filtration And Purification Units

DOES YOUR DRINKING WATER TASTE AND LOOK GREAT? WHAT DOES YOUR WATER NEED? Eliminate the hassle of water bottles and heavy water containers or jugs! Get "Pure - Clean - Refreshing" water from your home or business. Save $$ and have pure water right from your tap! Just give us a call at (914) 276-3756.

Pure Water Coolers By Vertex

PureWaterCoolers | Somers, NY | Bleakley Plumbing

Convenient, Point of Use Water Cooler with Reverse Osmosis filtration system gives you safe, clean, great-tasting water at the desired temperature - Eliminates the hassle of 5-gallon bottles!

  • Make Great Tasting Water and Protect your Family against these contaminants:

    *Industrial Pollutants *Human and Animal Waste *Lead & Asbestos *Pesticides *Cysts *Taste & odor *Herbicides *Sediments

  • Features:

    • Three Temperatures: Hot, Room, and Cold
    • Easy to use Microprocessor Control   
    • Built-in Filtration System
    • Automatic Float Valve with solenoid shut-off
    • High-efficiency sealed compressor cooling system w/adjustable cold water thermostat, 37-45F
    • Type 304 Stainless Steel Hot and Cold Water Tanks
    • Easy Access front panel for service of RO/Filtration
  • Four models available

    • PWC-2000R 3 Temperature w/RO system
    • PWC-2000F 3 Temperature w/filter system only
    • PCW-1000R (Hot & Cold only w/RO system)
    • PWC-1000F (Hot & Cold only w/filter system)
  • Specifications

    RO/Filter System: * 5 Mic. Sediment * GAC Carbon * RO Membrane: 50GPD (200R & 1000R Models) * Automatic Tank Control * Separate shutoff valve for easy filter service * Fully Assembled

Pure Water Machine by Vertex 

Water Treatment Solutions in Somers, NY

Completely Clean Water For:

*Drinking *Cooking *Washing Fruits & Veggies * Clear Ice *Pets * Plants 

  • Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System 
  • Advanced Reverse Osmosis Filter Removes All Contaminants
  • Compact 4 Stage Design easily fits under the sink
  • Typically Removes 99% of Lead, Mercury, Asbestos & 90% of Nitrates
  • Eliminates Scale Build Up on Coffee & Ice Makers

Every day more contaminants are being introduced into our municipal drinking water supply from landfills (trash dumps), industrial pollutants, and agricultural runoff. This Four-Stage filter system uses advanced Reverse Osmosis Membrane Technology to remove dissolved molecular contaminants from tap water; this is the same technology used by most bottled water companies. All filter elements are made in the USA and NSF-approved, ensuring a high-quality filter system. No chemicals are added or used in the system.

Complete Water Quality Solutions 

Have you ever asked yourself what the quality of your water was? After all, there is so much more to "good water" than just good taste. Great water can make your household cleaner and healthier, your drinks more refreshing, and your food more delicious. It can improve your complexion, extend the livelihood of your appliances, and can even save you money!

At Russell B. Bleakley Plumbing & Heating, inc., we offer water testing for some of the most common water ailments. Once your water has been tested and the problem identified, we provide a full range of treatment options to help restore your water's quality.

  • Whole House Sediment Filters
  • Water Softeners - Removes Calcium Deposits Cleaner Laundry & Prolongs life of all appliances & water heaters!
  • Acid Neutralizers - Removes green staining
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems
  • Ultraviolet Water Purification
  • Ice Maker Filtration

Water Contaminants - Is Your Water Measuring Up?

Water contaminants vary greatly based on your particular location. Your water quality can be affected by many factors, including oil refinement, landfills, gasoline storage, farms, dry cleaners, and factories, as well as natural conditions like salt water. Many areas in the Hudson Valley, particularly homes that run on a well system, have naturally hard water but can also be prone to many other ailments.

Here are a few indicators of lousy water:

Suspicious smells

chlorine, musty, rotten egg, gasoline

Questionable taste

metallic, salty, acidy

Suspicious appearance

rusty, cloudy, green staining on fixtures, discoloration of your porcelain or cookware

Blackening & pitting of steel sink

If your water displays any of these poor water symptoms, don't delay! Call Russell B. Bleakley Plumbing & Heating, Inc. today to schedule your water system consultation. 

Water Treatment Guides

Click Below to Download Our Water Treatment Guides

What You Need to Know About Uranium in Drinking Water

  • How Does Uranium Get Into Drinking Water?

    Uranium is a naturally occurring element in groundwater in some portions of Connecticut. However, there needs to be more information on where uranium is commonly found. Uranium gets into drinking water when groundwater dissolves minerals that contain uranium. The amount of uranium in well water will vary depending on its bedrock concentration. However, even within areas with bedrock types containing uranium, there is a large degree of variation within relatively small areas. Levels of naturally occurring radiation in water are not likely to be high in shallow wells. The potential exists for deep bedrock wells in Connecticut to have uranium, although most will be very low. High levels of uranium indicate the potential for radon and radium to be present.

  • How Can Uranium Affect My Health?

    Naturally occurring uranium has very low levels of radioactivity. However, the chemical properties of uranium in drinking water are of a more significant concern than its radioactivity. Most ingested uranium is eliminated from the body. However, a small amount is absorbed and carried through the bloodstream. Studies show that drinking water with elevated levels of uranium can affect the kidneys over time. Bathing and showering with water that contains uranium is not a health concern.

  • What Do The Results of the Water Test Mean?

    The new federal standard, known as the maximum contaminant level (or MCL), for uranium in public water supplies is 30 mg/l (roughly equivalent to 30 pico Curies per liter). The testing and treatment requirements under this federal standard apply only to public water systems servicing residential populations and not to private home wells or public facilities such as schools that are not residences. Private well owners are not required to follow this standard. Still, following the recommendations below, you can protect your family's health. If your water test comes back with uranium results greater than 30 mg/l, you should seek treatment for your water. However, since results can vary widely from season to season, it is prudent to re-test whenever the results are above 10 mg/l. While water treatment is strongly recommended only at confirmed levels of 30 mg/l or higher, some individuals on private wells may choose to increase their safety margin and treat water that contains lower levels (e.g., 10-30 mg/l). If you follow the screening protocol described above, you will also have gross alpha and radium results to evaluate. It is best to compare these results to current standards for public water supplies. The current federal standard (MCL) for adjusted gross alpha (includes radiation from radium but excludes radiation from radon and uranium) in public water supplies is 15 pCi/l. The current federal MCL for combined radium 226 and radium 228 in public water supplies is 5 pCi/l. 

  • What Type of Treatment Will Decrease Uranium in Well Water?

    Water treatment systems can effectively remove uranium from drinking water. Two standard methods are reverse osmosis and ion exchange. Reverse osmosis works by forcing water to filter through a membrane that prevents the uranium from passing through; this membrane should be replaced every 2 to 3 years. Ion exchange passes water through a system that replaces uranium with a safer compound. Both methods usually involve maintenance, including backwashing. Both methods include costs and disposal systems that must be investigated carefully before choosing a system. Both systems also require periodic monitoring of the treated water to ensure they are working correctly.

Let us test your water quality. Schedule now by calling 914-276-3756.

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